Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More from Abruzzo

Mom and Franca our friend and local genealogy expert. They are getting names and dates from the 19th century birth records from the Archivio di Stato di Chieti.

Girls (grils): your father is Tony. Your grandmother was Gina. Your great grandmother was Maria A. Her father was Isidoro. He was born in Ripa Teatina. This is Ripa Teatina. The fighter, Rocky Marciano's father was also born here (no relation).


christina clark said...

Wow dad look at you crazy blogging fools! I love it!! In Boston we were getting picture texts like every few minutes with updates on what you were doing, where you were doing it, and what fantastic thing you were eating. It was almost like we were there, just less calories on our side. We miss that so posts are very much appreciated. Looks like you guys are getting lots done, that's so exciting!!! Keep up the good work, love you!

Mina said...

I second what Weedy said! I am just eating these posts up! It's like we get to enjoy a small piece of the trip. Rips Teatina is beautiful! It's no wonder Italians want to take life slowly and enjoy the view. How could you live there and not write poetry or paint landscapes? Daddio, I hear your voice in the post. Love it. Miss it.

francesca said...

OK, I think I want to fly to Italy with you and rent a car with you and drive the countryside with you guys. What the heck?? I cannot describe the difference between here and there. Michigan is worse than California, but Italy has California beat. I got this text from my Michigander friend last night before hitting the sack "I just watched this lady tell another lady she was going to beat her *ss for taking the last electric cart. Neither was disabled, just fat. This was at the ghetto Walmart. One fat lady was trying to pull the other fat lady off the electric scooter and was yelling and swearing at her, but the one lady on the cart put the pedal to the metal and got away. lol. ... I thought of you and the crap you go through living here. and I was also dying laughing." So guys ... seen anything like that there in Italy lately? And how 'bout that scenery? Ridiculous. I love it. I will live vicariously through you both and try to not leave my house, interact with people or look out the window here in MI for another 3-4 months. Love you both. Eat it up - food and scenery!

Aria said...

I love these blog entries! So hypothetically, if I STILL wasn't married by now, would you have taken me with you?! Sometimes I dream about my possible single life with you guys as I waddle around grunting and coughing my way through this last month of pregnancy.

All in all, it's looking good. Keep up the good work