Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mom and I wish to give one of you the kitchenware above. The big frying pan (upper left) is 10 in. across. In the lower right is a saucepan. Above that is another partially hidden saucepan. The above one is 7 in. across. First one to ask via e-mail gets them. By the way, the covers don't fit anything.

Mom and I found the above backpack, purse and wallet. Will the owner please e-mail us and we will send them to you.


christina clark said...

That is an awesome first post mom and dad. I don't own any of those items and don't need any of the pans (I don't have enough room for the pans that I have), but I love the post with mom's boobs in the second picture, awesome.

francesca said...

I call the saucepan in the front right side of the pic.
Also the 10" frying pan on the far left of the pic.

K, that's it.

Is it at all unfair that I helped you guys with this post, then asked for the pans I wanted first ??? ... nah.

Walter said...


forget laundry said...

are the pots and pans available to other viewers? I'll take all but the two fran wants. gee thanks guys.

Mina said...

Oh DuDe! That's my backpack, purse and wallet in the shot next to mom's boobs! Nice boobs mom! Even Truan was gawking at them. He's a boob connoisseur. More POsts guys! You're doing great!

Julie said...

Hey if Hillary can get in on the pan give away I think its only fair that I do to!!

Julie said...
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